Poste Actuel 

Directeur de Recherche (DR1) CNRS, Institut de Chimie

    Diplômé Docteur en chimie à l'Université d'Orsay en 1997, j'ai ensuite, de 1997 à 1999, effectué deux séjours post-doctoraux à l'Université de Bielefeld (Allemagne) et à l'Université catholique de Louvain (Belgique). De retour en France, je travaille depuis 1999 comme chercheur titulaire au Centre National pour la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS). Mes intérêts de recherche se situent dans le domaine de la chimie des ions en phase gazeuse en combinant la spectrométrie de masse et la chimie quantique. Promu Directeur de recherche en 2012, mon domaine de recherche majeur concerne la réactivité des ions métalliques (alcalino-terreux, métaux de transition, métaux lourds) vis-à-vis de molécules organiques ou de biomolécules, et plus récemment l'étude des interactions des récepteurs anioniques et cationiques.

    Activités de recherche

    • Etude des interactions entre des cations métalliques toxiques et des molécules organiques et biologiques polyfonctionnelles par spectrométrie de masse et calculs quantiques.
    • Thermochimie en phase gazeuse de molécules biologiques
    • Structure d’ions gazeux par spectroscopie infra-rouge de type IRMPD.
    • Etude de récepteurs anioniques et cationiques selon un stratégie multi-approches


    • Spectrométrie de masse : Triple-quadripôle, piège ionique et instrument hybride de type QqTOF ou Orbitrap, équipés de source de type electrospray (ESI) et nano-ESI.
    • Spectroscopie d'action (IRMPD, UVPD) , mobilité ionique
    • Calculs de Chimie Quantique.
    • Institut Lumière-Matière (ILM) – UMR 5536
    • Laboratoire de Chimie-Physique (LCP) - UMR 8000
    • Institut Louis Lavoisier (ILV) – UMR 8182
    • Institut de Chimie des Substances Naturelles (ICSN) - UPR 2301
    • Ecole Nationale Supérieure de Chimie de Rennes – UMR 6226
    • Laboratoire de Photophysique et Photochimie Supramoléculaires et Macromoléculaires - UMR 8531
    • Université Autonoma de Madrid (Espagne)
    • Université « La Sapienza » de Rome (Italie)
    • West Virginia University (USA)
      • Membre du Conseil Scientifique de l'INC (CNRS; 2019-2023)
      • DU adjoint du laboratoire LAMBE
      • Dir. adjoint plateformes de la Graduate School (GS) Chimie de l’Université Paris-Saclay
      • Membre du GT science ouverte de l'Université Paris-Saclay
      • Membre du bureau du GDR "Imagerie par spectrométrie de masse" (MSI-2125)
      • Membre du Comité de direction de la fédération de Recherche "Chimie-Physique de Paris Saclay" (FR 3510)
      • Expert scientifique auprès du FNRS (Belgique), FNSNF (Suisse), ANR
      • Correspondant documentaire auprès de BiblioSciences et Couperin
      • Cours et Travaux dirigés d’analyse structurale en licence et Master à l’Université d’Evry Val d’Essonne et Université de Paris-Saclay.
      • Enseignement en Formation Permanente.
      • A ce jour, l'intégralité de mes publications est parue dans des revues à comité de lecture nécessitant un abonnement payant auprès des principaux éditeurs de revues scientifiques (Elsevier, Springer, ACS, Wiley, etc...). Dans le contexte du basculement de la politique de publication scientifique vers un modèle open access, et afin de rendre accessible gratuitement à tous les chercheurs mes travaux publiés, j'ai opté à ce jour pour une voie green open access, consistant à déposer sur la base HAL, les manuscrits révisés et acceptés de mes publications. Les documents correspondant aux publications les plus récentes, sont disponibles en cliquant sur les liens [HAL open access]

        To date, all my publications have appeared in peer-reviewed journals requiring a paid subscription from leading publishers of scientific journals (Elsevier, Springer, ACS, Wiley, etc ...). In the context of the switchover from the scientific publication policy towards an open access model, and in order to make my published works available to all researchers free of charge, I have opted for a green open access, by depositing onto the HAL database, the revised and accepted manuscripts of my publications. The documents corresponding to the most recent publications are available by clicking on the links [HAL open access]


      1. Tetrafluoroterephthalonitrile as an anion-π donor: theoretical evaluation and application to anion recognition
        O. Zayene, R. Plais, L. Rohlion, F. Bourdreux, G. Pieters, A. Gaucher, G. Clavier, A. Cœuret, J-Y. Salpin, D. Prim
        Chemistry Select, 9, e202302763 (2024)
        [HAL open access]
      2. Cooperative anion-π and C-H-Cl interactions in Multifuinctional naphtalene-based recpetors for chloride recognition: cage-size modulation through substitution patterns
        O. Zayene, J. Hu, C. Roc, J. Marrot, A. Gaucher, J-Y. Salpin , D. Prim
        ChemPlusChem, soumis
      1. Rapport de prospective du Conseil Scientifique de l'Institut de Chimie (CSI-INC)
        Rapport complet
      2. Binding motifs of carboplatin and oxaliplatin with guanine: a combined MS/MS, IRMPD and theoretical study
        B. Chiavarino, L. Rotari, M-E. Crestoni, D. Corinti, S. Fornarini, D. Scuderi, J-Y. Salpin
        Inorganic Chemistry, 62, 14548-14558 (2023)
        [HAL open access]
      3. Anion-pi interaction for the molecular recognition of anions (2000-2022) : focus on cooperativity with Hydrogen Bonding
        R. Plais, G. Clavier,  J-Y. Salpin, A. Gaucher, D. Prim
        European Journal of Organic Chemistry, 26, e202300123 (2023)
        [HAL open access]
      4. Reactivity of cytosine with alkylmercury ions in the gas phase: the critical role of the alkyl chain.
        J-Y. Salpin, V. Haldys, J-C. Guillemin, O. Mó, M. Yáñez, M. Merced Montero-Campillo
        Israel Journal of Chemistry,
        63, e202300014 (2023)
        [HAL open access]

      1. Dereplication of acetogenins from Annona muricata by combining tandem mass spectrometry after lithium and copper postcolumn cationization and molecular networks
        S. Poyer, L. Laboureur, T. Hebra, N. Elie, R. G. van der Rest, J-Y. Salpin, P. Champy, D. Touboul
        Journal of the American Society for Mass Spectrometry, 33, 627-634 (2022)
        [HAL open access]
      2. Open questions on toxic heavy metals Cd, Hg and Pb binding small components of DNA and nucleobases. Are there any predictable trends?
        A. Pérez-Barcia, M. Merced Montero Campillo, A. M. Lamsabhi, J-Y. Salpin, M. Yáñez
        Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics,
        24, 20624-20637 (2022)
        [HAL open access]
      3. Chloride binding modulated by anion receptors bearing tetrazine and urea
        R. Plais, G. Gouarin, A. Bournier, O. Zayene, V. Mussard, F. Bourdreux, J. Marrot, A. Brosseau, A. Gaucher, G. Clavier, J-Y. Salpin, D. Prim
        ChemPhysChem, 24, e202200524 (2023)
        [HAL open access]
      1. Design and Properties Investigation on a Five-Interaction-based Fluorescent Anion Receptor Clip
        R. Plais, H. Boufroura, G. Gouarin, A. Gaucher, V. Haldys, A. Brosseau, G. Clavier, J-Y. Salpin, D. Prim
        RSC Advances 11, 9476-9487 (2021)
        INC: en direct des laboratoires
        [HAL open access]
      2. Discrimination of sulfated isomers of chondroitine sulfate disaccharides by HILIC-MS
        S. Poyer, I. Seffouh, C. Lopin-Bon,  J-C. Jacquinet, J. L. Neira, J-Y. Salpin, R. Daniel
        Analytical and Bionanalytical Chemistry  413, 7107-7117 (2021)
        [HAL open access]
      3. Chapitre d'ouvrage : Imagerie par spectrométrie de masse: principe et applications. 2021
        L. Blanc, A. Brunelle, C. Courrèges, N. Desbenoit, I. Fournier, J. Franck, L. Labeyrie, S.  Mounicou, J-Y. Salpin, D. Schaumlöffel, M. Angels Subirana, D. Touboul, M-D. Tuck, S. van Nuffel, M. Wisztorski
        [HAL open access]
      1. Intertwined detection and recognition roles of tetrazine in synergistic anion-π and H-bond based anion receptor.
        R. Plais, G. Gouarin, A. Gaucher, V. Haldys, A. Brosseau, G. Clavier, J-Y. Salpin, D. Prim
        ChemPhysChem 21, 1249-1257 (2020)
        [HAL open access]
      2. Kinetic study of azobenzene E/Z isomerization using ion mobility-mass spectrometry and liquid chromatography-UV detection
        S. Poyer, C. M. Choi, C. Deo, N. Bogliotti, J. Xie, P. Dugourd, F. Chirot, J-Y. Salpin
        Analyst  145, 4012-4020 (2020)
        [HAL open access]
        DOI: 10.1039/D0AN00048E
      3. Insights into Cisplatin Binding to Uracil and Thiouracils from IRMPD Spectroscopy and Tandem Mass Spectrometry
        D. Corinti, M. E.  Crestoni, B. Chiavarino, S. Fornarini, D. Scuderi,  J-Y. Salpin
        Journal of the American Society for Mass Spectrometry  31, 946-960 (2020)
        [HAL open access]

        DOI: 10.1021/jasms.0c00006#
      4. Helically-shaped cation receptor: design, synthesis, characterisation and first application to ion transport
        H. Boufroura, R. Plais, S. Poyer, A. Gaucher, J. Marrot, G. Clavier, F-X. Legrand, C. Huin, P. Guégan, D. Prim, J-Y. Salpin
        RSC Advances  10, 31670-31679 (2020)
        [HAL open access]
        DOI: 10.1039/D0RA05519K in open access
      1. Alkylation of uracil and thymine in the gas phase through interaction with alkylmercury compounds.
        J-Y. Salpin, V. Haldys, L. Latrous, J-C. Guillemin, J. Tortajada, E. Léon, O. Mó, M. Yáñez, M. Merced Montero-Campillo.
        International Journal of Mass Spectrometry  436, 153-165 (2019)
        [HAL open access]
      2. Combined experimental and theoretical survey of the gas-phase
        reactions of serine-Ca2+ adducts.
        A. M. Lamsabhi, O. Mo, M. Yanez, J-Y. Salpin.
        Journal of Physical Chemistry A 123, 6241-6250 (2019)
        [HAL open access]
      1. Topologic and electronic density driven generation of alkali cation complexes.
        H. Boufroura, S. Poyer, A. Gaucher, C. Huin, J-Y. Salpin, G. Clavier, D. Prim
        Chemistry. A European Journal  24, 8656-8663 (2018)
        [HAL open access]
        DOI :10.1002/chem.201800707
      2. Interactions of dimethyltin(IV) with uracil as studied in the gas phase
        J-Y. Salpin, L. Latrous, V. Haldys, A. M. Lamsabhi
        Journal of Physical Chemistry A  122, 992-1003 (2018)
        [HAL open access]
        DOI: 10.1021/acs.jpca.7b11510
      3. Structures of [M(Ura-H)(Ura)]+ and [M(Ura-H)(H2O)n]+ (M = Cu, Zn, Pb; n = 1 – 3) Complexes in the Gas Phase by IRMPD Spectroscopy in the Fingerprint Region and Theoretical Studies.
        B. Power, V. Haldys, J-Y. Salpin, T. Fridgen.
        International Journal of Mass Spectrometry 429, 56-65 (2018).
        [HAL open access]
      4. Protonation of Methyl-Uracils in The Gas Phase: The Particular Case of 3-Methyl-uracil
        J-Y. Salpin, V. Haldys, V. Steinmetz, E. Léon, M. Yáñez, M. Merced Montero-Campillo
        International Journal of Mass Spectrometry 429, 47-55 (2018).
        [HAL open access]
      1. Isomer separation and effect of the polymerization degree on the gas-phase structure of chondroitin sulfate oligosaccharides analyzed by ion mobility-tandem mass spectrometry.
        S. Poyer, C. Lopin-Bon, J-C. Jacquinet, J-Y. Salpin,R Daniel.
        Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry  31, 2003-2010 (2017)
        [HAL open access]
      2. Conformational Dynamics in Ion Mobility Data
        S. Poyer, C. Combi-Zerbino, C. M. Choi, L. MacAleese, C. Déo, N. Bogliotti, J. Xie, J-Y. Salpin, P. Dugourd, F. Chirot
        Analytical Chemistry  89, 4230-4237 (2017)
        [HAL open access]
        DOI: 10.1021/acs.analchem.7b00281
      3. Identification of acylation products in SHAPE Chemistry
        C. Lin, S. Poyer, L. Zargarian, J-Y. Salpin, P. Fossé, O. Mauffret, J. Xie
        Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters  27, 2506-2509 (2017)
        [HAL open access]
      4. Undervalued N3-coordination revealed in the cisplatin complex with 2'-Deoxyadenosine-5'-monophosphate
        B. Chiavarino, M.-E. Crestoni, S. Fornarini, D. Scuderi, J-Y. Salpin
        Inorganic Chemistry 56, 8793-8801 (2017)
        [HAL open access]
        DOI: 10.1021/acs.inorgchem.7b00570
      5. Characterization of protonated model disaccharides from tandem mass spectrometry and chemical dynamics simulations
        E. Rossich-Molina, A. Eizaguirre, V. Haldys, D. Urban, G. Doisneau, Y. Bourdreux, J-M. Beau, J-Y. Salpin, R. Spezia
        ChemPhysChem  18, 2812-2823 (2017)
        [HAL open access]
        DOI:10.1002/cphc.201700202 in open access
      1. Structures of [M(Ura-H)(H2O)n]+ (M=Mg, Ca, Sr, Ba ; n=1–3) complexes in the gas phase by IRMPD spectroscopy and theoretical studies
        B. Power, V. Haldys, J-Y. Salpin, T. D. Fridgen
        International Journal of Mass Spectrometry  51, 236-244 (2016)
        [HAL open access]
      2. On the gas phase fragmentation of protonated uracil : a statistical perspective
        E. Rossich-Molina, J-Y. Salpin, R. Spezia, E. Martinez-Nunez
        Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics  16, 14127-14138 (2016)
        [HAL open access soon]
      3. Gas-phase interactions of organotins compounds with cysteine
        L. Latrous, J-Y. Salpin, V. Haldys, E. Léon, C. Correia, A. M. Lamsabhi
        Journal of Mass Spectrometry  51, 1006-1015 (2016)
        [HAL open access]
      1. Structures of bare and singly hydrated [M(Ura-H)(Ura)]+ (M=Mg, Ca, Sr, Ba) complexes in the gas phase by IRMPD spectroscopy in the fingerprint region
        B. Power, V. Haldys, J-Y. Salpin, T. Fridgen
        International Journal of Mass Spectrometry  378, 328-335 (2015)
        [HAL open access]
      2. Interaction of cisplatin with dGMP : a combined IRMPD and theoretical study
        B. Chiavarino, M.-E. Crestoni, S. Fornarini, D. Scuderi, J-Y. Salpin
        Inorganic Chemistry 
        54, 3513-3522 (2015)
        [HAL open access]
      3. Effects of Calcium complexation on Heparin-like disaccharide. A combined theoretical, MS/MS and UV experiments
        D. Ortiz, Q. Enjalbert, L. MacAleese, P. Dugourd, J-Y. Salpin
        Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry
        29, 1135-1144 (2015)
        [HAL open access]
      4. Elucidating collision induced dissociation products and reaction mechanisms of protonated uracil by coupling chemical dynamics simulations with tandem mass spectrometry experiments
        E. Rossich-Molina, D. Ortiz, J-Y. Salpin, R. Spezia
        Journal of Mass Spectrometry  50, 1340-1351 (2015)
        [HAL open access]
      5. Structure of protonated thymidine characterized by InfraRed Multiple Photon Dissociation and quantum calculations
        J-Y. Salpin, D. Scuderi
        Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry  29, 1898-1904 (2015)
        [HAL open access]
      1. Galactose 6-sulfate collision induced dissociation from QM+MM chemical dynamics simulations and ESI-MS/MS experiments
        D. Ortiz, J-Y. Salpin, K. Song, R. Spezia
        International Journal of Mass Spectrometry
          358, 25-35 (2014)
        [HAL open access]
      2. Structure of the Pb2+–deprotonated dGMP complex in the gas phase : a combined MS-MS/IRMPD spectroscopy/ion mobility study
        J-Y. Salpin, L. MacAleese, F. Chirot, P. Dugourd
        Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics
        16, 14127-14138 (2014)
        [HAL open access]
      3. Gas-phase interactions between Lead(II) ions and Cytosine as probed by MS/MS and IRMPD spectroscopy
        J-Y. Salpin, V. Haldys, S. Guillaumont, J. Tortajada, M. Hurtado, A.M. Lamsabhi
        15, 2959-2971 (2014)
        [HAL open access]
      1. Reactivity of Lanthanoid Mono-Cations with Ammonia : a Combined Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry and Computational Investigation
        A. Quemet, P. Vitorge, A. Cimas, S. Liu, J-Y. Salpin, C. Marsden, J. Tortajada, L. Gagliardi, R. Spezia, M.-P. Gaigeot, R. Brennetot
        International Journal of Mass Spectrometry
        334, 27-37 (2013)
        [HAL open access]
      2. Gas-phase collision induced dissociation mechanisms of peptides: Theoretical and experimental study of N-formylalanylamide fragmentation
        D. Ortiz, R. Spezia, P. Martin-Gago, A. Riera, K. Song, J-Y. Salpin
        International Journal of Mass Spectrometry  335, 33-44 (2013)
        [HAL open access]
      3. Interaction of cisplatin with adenine and guanine : a combined IRMPD, MS/MS and theoretical study
        B. Chiavarino, M.-E. Crestoni, S. Fornarini, D. Scuderi, J-Y. Salpin
        Journal of the American Chemical Society 
        135, 1445-1455 (2013)
        [HAL open access]
      4. Unimolecular reactivity of the [urea-Sr]2+ complex, a metastable dication in the gas phase. An experimental and theoretical perspective
        A. Eizaguirre, O. Mó, M. Yáñez, J. Tortajada, J-Y. Salpin
        Journal of Physical Chemistry B
          117, 2088-2095 (2013)
        [HAL open access]
      5. Gas-phase interactions of organotin compounds with glycine
        L. Latrous, J. Tortajada, V. Haldys, E. Léon, C. Correia, J-Y. Salpin
        Journal of Mass Spectrometry  48, 795-806 (2013)
        [HAL open access]
      6. Modeling Interactions between an Amino Acid and a Metal Dication : Cysteine–Calcium(II) Reactions in the Gas Phase
        M. Hurtado, M. Monte, A. M. Lamsabhi, O. Mó, M. Yáñez, J-Y. Salpin
        ChemPlusChem 78, 1124-1133 (2013)
        [HAL open access]
      7. Correction to interaction of cisplatin with adenine and guanine : a combined IRMPD, MS/MS and theoretical study
        B. Chiavarino, M.-E. Crestoni, S. Fornarini, D. Scuderi, J-Y. Salpin
        Journal of the American Chemical Society  135, 10877 (2013)
        DOI: 10.1021/ja405235n
      1. Modelling peptide-metal dication interactions : Formamide-Ca2+ reactions in the Gas Phase
        A. Eizaguirre, O. Mó, M. Yáñez, J-Y. Salpin, J. Tortajada
        Organic and Biomolecular Chemistry  10, 11752-11761 (2012)
        [HAL open access]
      2. How Can f-Block Monocations Behave as Monocations of d-Block Transition Metals ?
        A. Quemet, R. Brennetot, J-Y. Salpin, A. Cimas, C. Marsden, J. tortajada, P. Vitorge
        European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry, 3551-3555 (2012)
        [HAL open access]
      3. Collision Induced Dissociation of Doubly-charged Ions : Coulomb Explosion vs Neutral Loss in [Ca(urea)]2+ Gas Phase Unimolecular Reactivity via Chemical Dynamics Simulations
        R. Spezia, A. Cimas, M-P. Gaigeot, J-Y. Salpin, K. Song, W. L. Hase
        Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 14, 11724-11736 (2012)
        [HAL open access]
      4. Gas-phase basicities of polyfunctional molecules. Part 2 : saturated basic sites
        G. Bouchoux, J.-Y. Salpin
        Mass Spectrometry Reviews  31, 353-390 (2012)
        [HAL open access]
      1. Modeling the interactions between peptide functions and Sr2+ : Formamide-Sr2+ reactions in the Gas Phase
        A. Eizaguirre, O. Mó, M. Yáñez, J.-Y. Salpin
        PhysChemChemPhys  13, 18409-18417 (2011)
        [HAL open access]
      2. Direct evidence for tautomerization of the uracil moiety within the Pb2+/Uridine-5’-monophosphate complex : a combined tandem mass spectrometry and IRMPD study
        J.-Y. Salpin, S. Guillaumont, D. Ortiz, J. Tortajada, P. Maître
        Inorganic Chemistry  50, 7769-7778 (2011)
        [HAL open access]
      3. Unimolecular reactivity upon collision of Uracil-Ca2+ complexes in the gas phase : comparison with uracil-M+ (M=H, alkali metals) and uracil-M2+ (M=Cu, Pb) systems
        C. Trujillo, A. M. Lamsabhi, O. Mó, M. Yáñez, J.-Y. Salpin
        International Journal of Mass spectrometry  306, 27-36 (2011)
        [HAL open access]
      4. Structure of Pb2+/dCMP and Pb2+/CMP complexes as characterized by tandem mass spectrometry and IRMPD spectroscopy
        J-Y Salpin, L. Gamiette, J. Tortajada, T. Besson, P. Maitre
        International Journal of Mass Spectrometry  304, 154-164 (2011)
        [HAL open access]
      1. Negative-ion photoelectron spectroscopy of the copper-aspartic acid anion and its hydrated complexes
        X. Li, H. Wang, K. H. Bowen, A. Martínez, J.-Y. Salpin, J.-P. Schermann
        Journal of Chemical Physics  133, 084303-084303-6 (2010)
        [HAL open access]
      2. Book chapter
        Ca2+ reactivity in the gas phase. Bonding, catalytic effects and coulomb explosions
        I. Corral, C. Trujillo, J-Y. Salpin, M. Yáñez
        Kinetics and Dynamics : from nano- to bio-scale Series : Challenges and Advances in Computational Chemistry and Physics, pp 1-34 (2010)
        Editors :Piotr Paneth and Agnieszka Dybala-Defratyka
        Publisher : Springer
        Open access
      1. Gas-phase interactions between Lead(II) ions and thiouracil nucleobases : a combined experimental and theoretical study
        J-Y. Salpin, S. Guillaumont, J. Tortajada, A. M. Lamsabhi
        Journal of American Society for Mass Spectrometry
          20, 359-369 (2009)
        [HAL open access]
      2. Protonated urea collision-induced dissociation. Comparison of experiments and chemical dynamics simulations
        R. Spezia, J-Y. Salpin, M-P. Gaigeot, W. L. Hase, K. Song
        Journal of Physical Chemistry A 113, 13853-13862 (2009)
        [HAL open access]
      3. Tautomerism of cytosine probed by gas phase IR spectroscopy
        J. M. Bakker, J-Y. Salpin, P. Maître
        International Journal of Mass Spectrometry 283, 214-221 (2009)
        [Open access]
      4. Book chapter
        Gas phase Chemistry of organocopper compounds
        A. M. Lamsabhi, M. Yáñez, J-Y. Salpin, J. tortajada
        The Chemistry of Organocopper compounds
        , Wiley, pp.279-346, 2009
        [HAL open access]
      1. Ni+ reactions with aminoacetonitrile, a potential pre-biological precursor of glycine
        A. M. Lamsabhi, O. Mó, M. Yáñez, J-C. Guillemin, V. Haldys, J. Tortajada, J-Y. Salpin
        Journal of Mass Spectrometry
          43, 317-326 (2008)
        [HAL open access]
      2. Computational study on the kinetics of the reaction between Ca2+ and urea.
        A. Cimas, J. A. Gamez, O. Mó, M. Yáñez,  J-Y. Salpin
        Chemical Physics Letters  456, 156-161 (2008)
        [HAL open access]
      3. Tautomerism of uracil probed via IR spectroscopy of singly hydrated uracil.
        J. M. Bakker, M. Brugnara, T. Besson, J-Y. Salpin, P. Maître
        Journal of Physical Chemistry A  112, 12393-12400 (2008)
        [HAL open access]
      4. Ni+ reactions with aminoacrylonitrile, a species of astrochemical relevance
        A. M. Lamsabhi, O. Mó, M. Yáñez, J-Y. Salpin, V. Haldys, J. Tortajada, J-C. Guillemin
        Journal of Physical Chemistry A 112, 10509-10515 (2008)
        [HAL open access]
      5. Sr2+-neutral molecules interactions. An Assessment of Theoretical Procedures
        A. Eizaguirre, M. Yáñez, J. Tortajada,  J-Y. Salpin
        Chemical Physics Letters  464, 240-244 (2008)
        [HAL open access]
      6. Selenourea-Ca2+ Reactions in Gas Phase. Similarities and dissimilarities with urea and thiourea
        C. Trujillo, O. Mó, M. Yáñez, J. Tortajada,  J-Y. Salpin
        Journal of Physical Chemistry B  112, 5479-5486 (2008)
        [HAL open access]
      7. Interaction of Ca2+ with Uracil and its Thio Derivatives in the Gas Phase
        C. Trujillo, A. M. Lamsabhi, O. Mó, M. Yáñez, J-Y. Salpin
        Organic and Biomolecular Chemistry  6, 3695-3702 (2008)
        [HAL open access]
      1. Gas-Phase Reactions Between Thiourea and Ca2+: New Evidence for the Formation of [Ca(NH3)]2+ and Other Doubly-Charged Species
        C. Trujillo, O. Mó, M. Yáñez, J-Y. Salpin, J. Tortajada
        ChemPhysChem  8, 1330-1337 (2007)
        [HAL open access]
      2. Infrared spectra of protonated uracil, thymine and cytosine
        J-Y. Salpin, S. Guillaumont, J. Tortajada, L. MacAleese, J. Lemaire, P. Maitre
          8, 2235-2244 (2007)
        [HAL open access]
      3. Characterization of the glycosidic linkage of underivatized disaccharides by interaction with Pb2+ ions
        A. El Fidoussi, M. Lafitte, J. Tortajada, O. Kone, J-Y. Salpin
        Journal of Mass Spectrometry  42, 999-1011 (2007)
        [HAL open access]
      4. Unimolecular reactivity of Uracil-Cu2+ complexes in the gas phase
        O. Mó, M. Yáñez, J-Y. Salpin, J. Tortajada
        ChemPhysChem 8, 181-187 (2007)
        [HAL open access]
      5. Thermochemistry, Bonding and Reactivity of Ni+ and Ni2+ in the gas phase
        O. Mó, M. Yáñez, J-Y. Salpin, J. Tortajada
        Mass Spectrometry Reviews  26, 474-516 (2007)
        [HAL open access]
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        B. Tissot, J-Y. Salpin, M. Martinez, M-P. Gaigeot, R. Daniel
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          341, 598-609 (2006)
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        I. Corral, O. Mó, M. Yáñez, J-Y. Salpin, J. Tortajada, D. Moran, L. Radom
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        12, 6787-6796 (2006)
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        Sébastien Guillaumont, Jeanine Tortajada, Jean-Yves Salpin, Al Mokhtar Lamsabhi
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