Poste Actuel
Professeur des universités (Université d'Évry val d'Essonne)
2012 - now : Morphological and multiscale mechanical properties of living biomaterials - Full professor - Laboratoire LAMBE UMR8587, Univ. Evry, FR
Keywords: Atomic force microscopy, indentation, adhesion, multiscale, living cells
1995 - 2011 : Elaboration, characterisation and mechanical properties of nanostructured thin films and multilayers - Assistant Professor - Laboratoire LMN EA2540 , Univ. Evry, FR
Keywords: Thin films, multilayers, sputtering, structural characterisation, atomic force microscopy, indentation, adhesion, multiscale
1989 - 1994 : High Tc superconducting thin films and multilayers. Elaboration and magnetotransport properties - PhD/Postdoc - Laboratoire de physique des solides bat. 510 UMR8502 , Orsay, FR
Keywords: High Tc superconductors, thin films, multilayers, sputtering, structural characterisation, critical currents, magnetoresistance, scaling laws
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